2025 Progress

In February and into March, I started playing with Code Architecture Agents with Tool Use. Things like Claude Code, as well as Aider. I made a proof of concept of Radios On using phaser.js, but kept running into issues with getting UI layers to show and hide. The console logs would show everything was working but still nothing displayed.

radio game mocks

In the end, I realized that I need to just learn one of the major engine tools (UE, Unity, Godot, etc). A year or so ago I started learning Godot engine, and the work I did on the prototype with phaser.js helped me significantly in understanding the building blocks. So it wasnt all for nothing.

Also under that column of learning things for a more productive future:

One other thing is that I started playing around with what do for cutscenes, more on this next month.

radio game mocks radio game mocks radio game mocks radio game mocks radio game mocks

Another thing that I also dug into is the Popochiu plugin for Godot, with my new experience from the prototyping, I thought a lot about UI interface and player interactions. Popochiu has a few built in Classic Adventure game UI interfaces, and theres a few more planned.

radio game mocks radio game mocks radio game mocks

I made some good visible progress too. I created a bunch of NPC portraits and also started in on inventory item pictures too. April will be here soon enough.Endnote Image

2025 Progress

In January 2025 I continued work on "Radios On", but fate intervened and not much progress was made.

My son Henry was born this month and naturally a significant amount of time has been spent on the steep learning curve of taking care of an infant.

I'm now back to getting at least 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night, so I anticipate more writing to happen this month than last. Endnote Image

2024 Game Development

in 2024 I worked on two games. The first was Unicon Rescue, currently available to play at catphonics.com. This game was made with react and purely clientside to make it fast. I got quite a bit of feedback from friends and family for future iterations. I abstracted the game rules from the code so I might make a new version in godot or unity as I keep learning.

unicorn rescue

The second game is titled "Radios On" and started out as a book idea 8 years ago and now I am slowly working on it as a game. I have much of the pre-production work completed, except for the biggest thing which is the full script.

I made game ui, style, character mockups, and have been working on flushing out the maps and backgrounds.

radio game dialog mockup radio game radio mockup radio game inventory mockup

Like many other years, lots of ideas sat on the back burner while paying work came first. Despite the slow going, I'm optimistic about making significant progress in 2025. Endnote Image