a look into popular family history presentation formats

A look at the familysearch.org family tree view:

familysearch.org presentation of my great-grandfather’s tree with the primary focus on the branch of the past (ancestor focused) rather than the roots of the future generations after him.
A look at the code for the familysearch.org tree. The primary couple is treated as node 1, and then each generation row is presented in ascending numerical order.
Descendants of the couple, with the nodes numbered by decimals. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 are all children of the couple represented by node 1. Nodes 1.2.1-1.2.x are the children of node 1.2. Nodes are the children of 1.2.1, and so on.

Now a look at the same family on Ancestry.com in their ‘Pedigree’ view:

Ancestry.com presents the family tree information a little differently too, but also almost entirely ancestor focused.
A look at the code for Ancestry.org and how they are organizing the family nodes in their ‘pedigree view’.

Ancestry offers both a ‘Pedigree’ view and a ‘Family tree’ view, and the ‘Family Tree’ view functions relatively (pun intended) the same as the familysearch.org family tree view, but they are presenting it with every node open in both directions, which gets unwieldy fast.

Only a small part of a zoomed out view in the Family Tree view on Ancestry.com.

thoughts on Control

Here is my one sentence review:

The key game mechanic that sets Control apart from most games these days is that it allows itself to be hard. The Board training gives you just enough info to survive. You slowly acquire more and more abilities, but it is up to you to figure out how to figure out the right combos for the right enemies. There’s no magic bullet; no one size fits all OP ability that lets you just stomp on everything just by pushing that button every single time.

I’d been flying spaceships in Star Citizen for too long and Control reminded me of everything that I really enjoyed about the ghost of gaming past.

2020/4/2 space math

Assuming SpaceX hits their 100T to orbit goal, one relatively full load of steel plates at 6.36m² x 0.31cm thickness (and roughly 175,000 lbs) laid out in a square would be a flat surface of 484m². If you think about making a bigger ship where the surfaces are 484m², you can build a borg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg) cube style vehicle hull in a month… or a drake cat hull ( https://starcitizen.tools/Caterpillar) style vehicle of 5325m length in less than a year (assuming they can match current capabilities of weekly launches and not the multiple times daily that SpaceX has ambitions for).

As a visual reference: 484m² is roughly 210 shipping containers square and 5325m is roughly 978 shipping containers long. This type of vehicle could easily self-sustainably support a crew of 100+ very comfortably with current o2 tech. SpaceX and others will no doubt improve on and significantly advance the life support tech needed for larger sustainable space vehicles.

As with most estimates, all these numbers have rounding slippage at every level of the calculation, but this is actually a good thing given that the vehicle hauling things to orbit (Starship) is currently in prototype form and having extra wiggle room on volume and weight is a good thing.

April 1, 2021: Quick Links

Commentary from Flula on NFT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3TQ8yR-erg and Crypto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUB9jgMuC7U

Bell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM8T-6OvWpo from the same animation studio that did Wolf Children

Coinbase is putting their stock on the public market https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-announces-effectiveness-of-registration-statement-and-anticipated-listing-date-of-its-1509b281f760

Hunt for Red October is still amazing.

Argo: https://blog.argoproj.io

Origin 404: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18064-404#skus and accompanying video: https://youtu.be/nF7NR8ffOqM

Lumber dislocatio: not a joke, both futures and in-person, if you can find it in stock (and they let you buy it), the prices have multiplied significantly.

Closing Cat Tax