a look into popular family history presentation formats

A look at the familysearch.org family tree view:

familysearch.org presentation of my great-grandfather’s tree with the primary focus on the branch of the past (ancestor focused) rather than the roots of the future generations after him.
A look at the code for the familysearch.org tree. The primary couple is treated as node 1, and then each generation row is presented in ascending numerical order.
Descendants of the couple, with the nodes numbered by decimals. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 are all children of the couple represented by node 1. Nodes 1.2.1-1.2.x are the children of node 1.2. Nodes are the children of 1.2.1, and so on.

Now a look at the same family on Ancestry.com in their ‘Pedigree’ view:

Ancestry.com presents the family tree information a little differently too, but also almost entirely ancestor focused.
A look at the code for Ancestry.org and how they are organizing the family nodes in their ‘pedigree view’.

Ancestry offers both a ‘Pedigree’ view and a ‘Family tree’ view, and the ‘Family Tree’ view functions relatively (pun intended) the same as the familysearch.org family tree view, but they are presenting it with every node open in both directions, which gets unwieldy fast.

Only a small part of a zoomed out view in the Family Tree view on Ancestry.com.